Monday, 3 October 2016

Room - Analysis

Chosen scenes relevant to my topic:

First scene: Practise Escape Scene.

This scene is powerful in many ways, from building intensity of escaping from the abuse they have been experiencing and hope for the two of these strong characters. Ma, who is played by Brie Larson shows a range of emotions, from extreme hurting to powerful strength in order to do what she possibly can to help her son Jack to escape. This represents her selfless persona, caring most for her son. Her single mother figure alone expresses her hard work keeping her son well, healthy and alive. Living in a small space like this is enough to make you go crazy. Ma's plan to help her son escape is a little crazy and risky, however, this reflects her courageous and intelligent personality, not what you would usually associate to a female character stereotype. You can argue that she has qualities in which are stereotypical such as: a mother who cooks and cares for her child. However, this is done in a way in which seems much darker, the context of the situation of the scene reveals just how much strength she has to reassure her son Jack that everything will be alright. 

(Insert Gif from scene)

Second Scene: Ma's Drug Overdose.

This scene contrasts her persona in which she reflects when in 'room', as this is the aftermath. The years she has been trapped inside there takes a toll on her. This scene especially raises awareness about mental health illnesses, especially suicide, showing her diverse elements within her character. Although we see her struggle, we see her get back up. It allows us to feel sympathy towards her due to the experience she has had to go through including bringing up her child for five years whilst having to be raped in order to survive, such as, receiving essentials like food and clothing. This scene supports my investigation as it shows how this strong female character does not just go by the stereotypical rules of a woman. She expresses so many different emotions and succeeds in saving her son, making her a hero. In most cases you would find a male hero, however, if it was a female hero, she would usually be sexualised in order to accommodate male needs. 

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